• AFP TEST Alpha fetoprotein test strips blood analyzer

    AFP TEST Alpha fetoprotein test strips blood analyzer

    Diagnostic Kit for Alpha-fetoprotein (fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in human serum or plasma, which is mainly used to auxiliary diagnosis, curative effect and prognosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma.All positive sample must be confirmed by other methodologies.

  • Diagnostic kit for Transferrin rapid test FER test

    Diagnostic kit for Transferrin rapid test FER test

    Tf mainly exists in plasma, the average content is about 1.20~3.25g/L. In healthy people faeces, there is almost no presence. When digestive tract bleeding, the Tf in serum flow into the gastrointestinal tract and excreted with faeces, it is abundant in faeces of gastrointestinal bleeding patients. Therefore, fecal Tf play a necessary and important role for the detection of gastrointestinal bleeding. The kit is a simple, visual qualitative test that detects Tf in human faeces, it has high det...
  • progesterone test kit prog rapid test pet pregnancy blood test devices

    progesterone test kit prog rapid test pet pregnancy blood test devices

    Diagnostic Kit for Progesterone (fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Progesterone (PROG) in human serum or plasma, it is used for auxiliary diagnosis of progesterone abnormally associated diseases.

  • FSH test cassette Follicle stimulating hormone test kit

    FSH test cassette Follicle stimulating hormone test kit

    Diagnostic Kit for Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in human serum or plasma, which is mainly used to evaluate the endocrine function of pituitary gland.

  • Diagnostic kit FOB Fecal Occult Blood Test Kit Strips Quantitative

    Diagnostic kit FOB Fecal Occult Blood Test Kit Strips Quantitative

    FOB Brochure PRINCIPLE AND PROCEDURE OF FOB TEST Princple: The strip has anti-FOB coating antibody on test region, which is fastened to membrane chromatography in advance. Lable pad is coated by fluorescence labeled anti-FOB antibody in advance. When testing positive sample, the FOB in sample can be mixed with fluorescence labeled anti-FOB antibody, and form immune mixture. As the mixture is allowed to migrate along the test strip, the FOB conjugate complex is capture...
  • Diagnostic kit for Calprotectin(Fluorescence Immuno Assay)

    Diagnostic kit for Calprotectin(Fluorescence Immuno Assay)

    Diagnostic Kit for Calprotectin (Cal) is a colloidal gold for the semiquantitative of cal from Human Faeces, which has important accessory diagnostic value for inflammatory bowel disease. Carcino-embryonic Antigen

  • Finecare POCT Test Reader Machine Immunoassay System
  • Luteinizing Hormone LH Ovulation Rapid Test Kit women pregnancy detection

    Luteinizing Hormone LH Ovulation Rapid Test Kit women pregnancy detection

    INTENDED USE Diagnostic Kit for Luteinizing Hormone (fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in human serum or plasma, which is mainly used in the evaluation of pituitary endocrine function.All positive sample must be confirmed by other methodologies. This test is intended for healthcare professional use only. SUMMARY
  • CE approved Luteinizing Hormone LH Ovulation Rapid Test Kit

    CE approved Luteinizing Hormone LH Ovulation Rapid Test Kit

    INTENDED USE Diagnostic Kit for Luteinizing Hormone (fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in human serum or plasma, which is mainly used in the evaluation of pituitary endocrine function.All positive sample must be confirmed by other methodologies. This test is intended for healthcare professional use only.
  • Rapid Test Kit Ce Approved Rapid Test Kit  for Total Thyroxine T4 test

    Rapid Test Kit Ce Approved Rapid Test Kit for Total Thyroxine T4 test

    ASSAY PROCEDURE The test procedure of the instrument see the immunoanalyzer manual. The reagent test procedure is as follows Lay aside all reagents and samples to room temperature. Open the Portable Immune Analyzer(WIZ-A101), enter the account password login according to the operation method of the instrument, and enter the detection interface. Scan the dentification code to confirm the test item. Take out the test card from the foil bag. Insert the test card into the card slot, scan the QR ...
  • One step Diagnostic Kit for D-Dimer with buffer

    One step Diagnostic Kit for D-Dimer with buffer

    ASSAY PROCEDURE Please read the instrument operation manual and package insert before testing. 1. Lay aside all reagents and samples to room temperature. 2. Open the Portable Immune Analyzer(WIZ-A101), enter the account password login according to the operation method of the instrument, and enter the detection interface. 3. Scan the dentification code to confirm the test item. 4. Take out the test card from the foil bag. 5. Insert the test card into the card slot, scan the QR code, and determ...
  • Factory direct high sensitive Diagnostic Kit for D-Dimer

    Factory direct high sensitive Diagnostic Kit for D-Dimer

    INTENDED USE Diagnostic Kit for D-Dimer(fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of D-Dimer (D-D) in human plasma, it is used for the diagnosis of venous thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and the monitoring of thrombolytic therapy .All positive sample must be confirmed by other methodologies. This test is intended for healthcare professional use only.   SUMMARY D-D reflects fibrinolytic functi...