FPV Feline herpesvirus antigen test kit Colloidal Gold
Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) Causes acute lethal symptoms such as acute gastroenteritis and bone marrow suppression in domestic cats.It can invade the animal through the cat’s oral and nasal passages,infect tissues such as the lymphatic glands of the throat, and cause systemic disease through the blood circulation system.The kit is applicable to qualitative detection of feline panleukopenia virus in cat faces and vomitus .
Pet rapid test Feline CoronaVirus FCOV Antigen test it
Feline coronavirus disease is an intestinal infection caused by feline coronavirus(FCOVS).It usually only causes mild gastrointestinal diarrhea in cats.In severe cases,it may lead to dehydration,but the fatality rate is low.The kit is applicable to qualitative detection of feline coronavirus in cat rectal or facal samples.
Colloidal Gold Canine Parvovirus CPV Antigen test kit
Canine Parvovirus(CPV) mainly infects dogs. especially puppies. The incubation period of canie parvovirus disease is 7-14 days.Clinically,there are two main phonotypes: multiple myocarditis parvovirus disease in dogs within 8 weeks for age and multiple enteritis parvovirus disease in dogs between 8 and 10 weeks of age, with a mortality rate of 10%-15% .The kit is applicable to qualitative detection of canine parvovirus antigen in dog daces and vomitu.
Colloidal Gold Canine Coronavirus CCV Antigen test kit
Canine Coronavirus(CCV) infection is an acute digestive tract infection caused by canine coronavirus .It is characterized by frequent vomiting ,diarrhea, dehydration and relapse.Sick dogs and dogs with poison are the main source of infection.The Virus is transmitted through the respiratory or digestive tract to health dogs and other susceptible animals.The kit is applicable to quanlitative detection of canine coronavirus antigen in dog faces,vomitus and rectum .
Colloidal Gold Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) antigen test kit
Feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV) Causes acute lethal symptoms such as acute gastroenteritis and bone marrow suppression in domestic cats. It can invade the animal through the cat’s oral and nasal passages,infect tissues such as the lymphatic glands of the throat, and cause systemic disease through the blood circulation system.The kit is applicable to qualitative detection of feline panleukopenia virus in cat faces and vomitus .
Feline Calicivirus FCV Antigen Test Kit Colloidal Gold
Canine distemper virus (CDV) is one of the mostserious infectious viruses in veterinary medicinelt is mainly transmitted through diseased dogs.The virus exists in a large number of body fluidsor secretions of diseased dogs and may causerespiratory tract infection of animals.The kit isapplicable to qualitative detection of caninedistemper virus antigen in dog eye conjunctivanasal cavity, saliva, and other secretions.
Canine Distemper virus CDV antigen test kit
Canine distemper virus (CDV) is one of the mostserious infectious viruses in veterinary medicinelt is mainly transmitted through diseased dogs.The virus exists in a large number of body fluidsor secretions of diseased dogs and may causerespiratory tract infection of animals.The kit isapplicable to qualitative detection of caninedistemper virus antigen in dog eye conjunctivanasal cavity, saliva, and other secretions.
Canine distemper virus CDV antigen rapid test kit
Canine distemper virus CDV antigen rapid test kit