Company news

Company news

  • What do you know about AIDS?

    What do you know about AIDS?

    Whenever we talk about AIDS, there is always fear and uneasiness because there is no cure and no vaccine. Regarding the age distribution of HIV-infected people, it is generally believed that young people are the majority, but this is not the case. As one of the common clinical infectious diseases...
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  • What is DOA test?

    What is DOA test?

    What is a DOA test? Drugs of Abuse (DOA) Screening Tests. A DOA screen provides simple positive or negative results; it is qualitative, not quantitative testing. DOA testing usually starts with a screen and moves toward confirmation of specific drugs, only if the screen is positive. Drugs of Abu...
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  • How to prevent Malaria ?

    How to prevent Malaria ?

    Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites and mainly spread through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Every year, millions of people around the world are affected by malaria, especially in tropical areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Understanding the basic knowledge and preventio...
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  • Do you know about kidney failure?

    Do you know about kidney failure?

    Information for kidney failure Functions of the kidneys: generate urine, maintain water balance, eliminate metabolites and toxic substances from the human body, maintain the acid-base balance of the human body, secrete or synthesize some substances, and regulate the physiological functions of...
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  • What do you know about Sepsis?

    What do you know about Sepsis?

    Sepsis is known as the “silent killer”. It may be very unfamiliar to most people, but in fact it is not far away from us. It is the main cause of death from infection worldwide. As a critical illness, The morbidity and mortality rate of sepsis remain high. It is estimated that there a...
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  • What do you know about cough?

    What do you know about cough?

    Cold no just a cold? Generally speaking, symptoms such as fever, runny nose, sore throat, and nasal congestion are collectively referred to as “colds.” These symptoms may originate from different causes and are not exactly the same as a cold. Strictly speaking, the cold is the most co...
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  • Congratulation! Wizbiotech acquire  the 2nd FOB self test certificate in China

    Congratulation! Wizbiotech acquire the 2nd FOB self test certificate in China

    On August 23th, 2024, Wizbiotech has secured the second FOB (Fecal Occult Blood) self-testing certificate in China.  This achievement  means  Wizbiotech’s leadership in the burgeoning field of at-home diagnostic testing. Fecal occult blood testing is a routine test used to detect the presence of...
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  • How do you know about Monkeypox?

    How do you know about Monkeypox?

    1.What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by monkeypox virus infection. The incubation period is 5 to 21 days, usually 6 to 13 days.There are two distinct genetic clades of monkeypox virus – the Central African (Congo Basin) clade and the West African clade. Ea...
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  • Diabetes early diagnosis

    Diabetes early diagnosis

    There are several ways to diagnose diabetes. Each way usually needs to be repeated on a second day to diagnose diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes include polydipsia, polyuria, polyeating, and unexplained weight loss. Fasting blood glucose, random blood glucose, or OGTT 2h blood glucose is the main ba...
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  • What do you know about calprotectin rapid test kit?

    What do you know about calprotectin rapid test kit?

    What do you know about CRC? CRC is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and the second in women worldwide . It is more frequently diagnosed in more developed countries than in less developed countries . Thegeographic variations in incidence are wide with up to 10-fold between the highe...
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  • Do you know about Dengue ?

    Do you know about Dengue ?

    What is Dengue fever ? Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the dengue virus and is mainly spread through mosquito bites. Symptoms of dengue fever include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, rash, and bleeding tendencies. Severe dengue fever can cause thrombocytopenia and ble...
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  • Medlab Asia and Asia Health concluded successfully

    Medlab Asia and Asia Health concluded successfully

    The recent Medlab Asia and Asia health held in Bankok concluded successfully and had a profound impact on the medical care industry. The event brings together medical professionals, researchers and industry experts to showcase the latest advances in medical technology and healthcare services. The...
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