What Is an Immunoglobulin E Test?
An immunoglobulin E ,also called IgE test measures the level of IgE, which is a type of antibody. Antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) are proteins the immune system,which makes to recognize and get rid of germs. Usually,the blood has small amounts of IgE antibodies. If you have higher amounts of IgE antibodies, then it may means that the body overreacts to allergens, which can lead to an allergic reaction.
Besides, IgE levels can also be high when the body is fighting an infection from a parasite and from some immune system conditions.
What does the IgE do?
IgE is most commonly associated with allergic disease and thought to mediate an exaggerated and/or maladaptive immune response to antigens. Once antigen specific IgE has been produced, re-exposure of the host to that particular antigen results in the typical immediate hypersensitivity reaction. IgE levels can also be high when the body is fighting an infection from a parasite and from some immune system conditions.
What does IgE stand for?
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) In an attempt to protect the body, IgE is produced by the immune system to fight that particular substance. This starts a chain of events leading to allergy symptoms. In a person whose asthma is triggered by allergic reactions, this chain of events will lead to asthma symptoms, too.
Is High IgE serious?
Elevated serum IgE has many etiologies including parasitic infection, allergy and asthma, malignancy and immune dysregulation. The hyper IgE syndromes due to mutations in STAT3, DOCK8 and PGM3 are monogenic primary immunodeficiencies that are associated with high IgE, eczema and recurrent infections.
In one word,IGE early diagnosis by IGE RAPID TEST KIT is quite necessary for everyone in our daily life. Our company is now developing this test. We will make it open to market soon.

Post time: Nov-29-2022