1.What does a FOB test detect?
 The faecal occult blood (FOB) test detects small amounts of blood in your faeces, which you would not normally see or be aware of. (Faeces are sometimes called stools or motions. It is the waste that you pass out from your back passage (anus). Occult means unseen or invisible.
2.What is the difference between a fit and FOB test?
 The main difference between FOB and FIT tests are the number of samples you need to take. For the FOB test, you need to take three different poo samples, each on different days. For the FIT test, you only need to take one sample.
3.The test isn’t always accurate.
It’s possible for a stool DNA test to show signs of cancer, but no cancer is found with other tests. Doctors call this a false-positive result. It’s also possible for the test to miss some cancers, which is called a false-negative result.
So all test result need to assisit with clinical report.
4.How serious is a positive fit test?
 An abnormal or positive FIT result means that there was blood in your stool at the time of the test. A colon polyp, a pre-cancerous polyp, or cancer can cause a positive stool test. With a positive test, there is a small chance that you have early-stage colorectal cancer.
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) can be found in any gastrointestinal disease that causes a small amount of bleeding. Therefore, the fecal occult blood test is of great value in assisting the diagnosis of a variety of gastrointestinal bleeding diseases and is an effective method for screening gastrointestinal diseases.

Post time: May-30-2022