Thyroideum munus diakitgnostic ornamentum ad thyroid stimulating hormone

Short description:

  • Temptatione Tempus:10-15 minutes
  • Valet Time:XXIV mensis
  • Accuratio:Plus quam XCIX%
  • Specification:1/25 Test / Box
  • Storage temperatus:II ℃ -30 ℃
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    Diagnostic ornamentum estThyroidei stimulating hormone(fluorescence immunochromatographic assay) is a fluorescence immunochromatographic assay for the quantitative detection of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in human serum or plasma, which is mainly used in the evaluation of pituitary-thyroid function. Omnes positivum sample debet confirmari ab aliis methodologies. Hoc test est in animo pro curis professional usum tantum.


    Pelagus munera TSH: I, promovere release of Thyroidei Hormones, II, promovere synthesim of T4, T3, interxidase IODUM ACTIONE, ENCHESIS GOBULIN et Tyrosine iodide.i

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