HIV, plenum nomen virus immunitatis humanae virus est, quod cellas infestat quae infectio corporis pugnant, hominem magis vulnerabilem aliis vitiis et morbis facit. It is spread by contact with certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV.As we all know,It spreads most commonly during unprotected sex (sex without a condom or HIV medicine to prevent or treat HIV), or through sharing injection drug equipment,etc .

HIVAIDS (syndromae immuno- ficientiae acquisitae), quae morbus gravis est apud omnes, ducere potest.

Corpus humanum HIV depellere non potest nec remedium efficax HIV exstat. Ergo cum VIDH morbum habes, vitam habes.

Feliciter tamen nunc praesto est medicina efficax cum HIV medicina (therapia antiretroviralis vel ART dicta) nunc praesto est. Si secundum praescriptum sumatur, medicina HIV quantitatem HIV in sanguine (etiam onere virali nomine) minuere potest ad infimum gradum. Haec suppressio viralis appellatur. Si onus virale hominis tam humile est ut labrum vexillum illud detegere non possit, hoc vocatur onus virale inobservabile habere. People with HIV who take HIV medicine as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load can live long and healthy lives and will not transmit HIV to their HIV-negative partners through sex.

In addition, there are also various effective ways to prevent getting HIV through sex or drug use, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), medicine people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use, and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), medicina HIV intra 72 horas sumpta post detectionem possibilem ad impediendam virus ne apprehendat.

AIDS infectio nuper HIV est quae accidit cum systema immune corporis propter virus male laeditur.

Persona HIV cum AIDS cum HIV profecisse censetur;

numerus cellularum CD4 suarum cadit infra 200 cellulas millimetre cubicae sanguinis (cellulae 200/mm3). (In someone with a healthy immune system, CD4 counts are between 500 and 1,600 cells/mm3.) Or they develop one or more opportunistic infections regardless of their CD4 count.
Sine HIV medicina, homines cum AIDS typice supersunt circiter 3 annos tantum. Cum aliquis periculosam opportunisticam morbum habet, vitae exspectatio sine curatione ad annum circiter 1 cadit. Medicina HIV potest adhuc homines adiuvare in hac HIV contagione statu, et etiam vivere potest. Sed homines qui medicinam HIV incipiunt, mox post HIV plura beneficia experiuntur. Ideo HIV probatio tanti momenti pro omnibus.

Quomodo scio si HIV?
Solus modus cognoscendi est si HIV probatum est. Testis secundum quid simplex et conveniens est. Provisor valetudinis tuae provisor HIV experimentum petere potes. Multa clinica medica, programmata substantiae abutuntur, centra communitatis sanitatis. Si pro omnibus non vales, etiam hospitale bonum tibi optio est.

is also an option. Self-testing allows people to take an HIV test and find out their result in their own home or other private location.Our company is developing self testing now.Self home test and self home mini analzyer are expected to meet with all of you in next exspecta eos year.Lets simul!

Post tempus: Oct-10-2022