Kev siv tus kheej Ib pob qhov ntswg antigen ceev kuaj cov khoom siv ceev ceev
The SARS-CoV-2 isanenvelopedβ-coronavirus,circularorelllipticalparticlediameterofabout60~140nm,oftenpleomorphic,obviouslydifferentfromSARS-CoVandMERS-CoVingeneticcharacteristics.Themainclinicalmanifestationsin cludefever, fatigueandothersystemicymptoms, nrog rau cov hnoos qeev, dyspnea, thiab lwm yam., uas tuaj yeem ua rau muaj mob hnyav heev, mob ua pa tsis ua haujlwm, mob plab, mob plab, mob plab, mob plab, ntau yam kab mob, sev. reacid-basemetabolism disorder, andeven life-threatening.SARS-CoV-2 has beenenidentified asthemainmeans oftransmissionthroughrespiratory droplets(sneezing, hnoos, etc.) and contact(pickingnostril withthehandincontactwit) hthevirus, rubbingeyes, thiab lwm yam.).